Den moderne tilgang til sponsorering handler om en faglig disciplin, der er meget italesat. Samtidig har sponsorering gennemgået et paradigmeskifte og bevæget sig væk fra den tidligere så herskende diskurs centreret om eksponering af et navn, et logo, et brand eller andre repræsentationer af visuel identitet i retning mod mere interaktive promotionløsninger. Udviklingsretningen giver indikationer […]
Tag Archives | HSV
Going beyond traditional product offerings to win the hearts of fans in the football economy – case focus on fan relationship management
As part of the professionalization process of the football economy over the past decades, clubs have enhanced their focus on nursing fan relations. Fulltime fan coordinators have been a natural step in this development. This is a way to build a bridge towards meeting the recognition that competition in the football economy is about managing […]
CRM og fanrelationer i fodboldøkonomien – søg at overgå de traditionelle produkt- og servicetilbud
Billeder: Fra AaBs træningskamp mod HSV i Flensburg ultimo juli 2015. Som led i den professionaliseringsproces, som fodboldøkonomien har gennemgået er der kommet stigende fokus på at pleje fanrelationerne. Ansættelse af fankoordinatorer i klubberne i topfodbolden internationalt samt i den danske Alka Superliga har været et led i denne udvikling. Det er en naturlig forlængelse […]
Fan relationship management as a way to go beyond traditional product and service offerings – including case insights into the football club AaB of the Danish Super League
Photos: From AaB’s training match vs. HSV from the German Bundesliga in Flensburg. Due to the professionalization and commercialization of football (and sports in general), the postmodern football economy is characterized by increased focus on fan relations. In that regard, the Danish Super League and its clubs have joined this trend and hired fan […]
Europe’s top football clubs and social media performance
“Football clubs across the globe are realizing that the use of social media is the future in terms of improving and expanding their business, whether this be for marketing purposes or as a medium for directly communicating with their fans.” (Kuzma et al., 2014) I thought it would be interesting to look at the […]