Når de danske veje bliver genstand for en stort international sportsevent, så medfølger der naturligvis en masse spørgsmål. I præ-eventfasen er der spørgsmål omkring ‘feasibility’, som i den her kontekst kan oversættes til ‘kan det betale sig?’ at afholde denne event på dansk grund. Det ved vi mere om, når der er gået nogle måneder, […]
Archive | Sport Management
The impact of Web3 on the business of sports
Web3 is really influencing the business of sports at the moment. Cryptocurrencies and fan tokenization are some examples of Web3-aligned technologies, which may provide sports rights holders new revenue paths. Despite the revenue potential linked to these technologies, there are also ethical aspects to consider. This article discusses the commercial opportunities of Web3 and its […]
WTA shows that high-profile sports blend politicization and commercialization
The evolution of professional sports demonstrates a growing tendency of stakeholder demands dominating the application of sound governance principles, enhanced transparency, and good corporate citizenship. The Peng Shuai case in international tennis – and how the WTA has tackled it – illustrates an interesting development when it comes to the commercialization and politicization of sports. […]
Mikkel Hansen – en af håndboldens superstjerner booster det danske ligaprodukt med sin hjemkomst
Visionerne omkring Aalborg Håndbold kommer alene til at bære noget af økonomien omkring Mikkel Hansens hjemkomst, da sportsøkonomi altid indeholder den emotionelle kapital, som kan rive folk med på rejsen. Det argument hersker, hvad enten det vedrører den dokumenterede virkning omkring motivationsaspektet for sportsfans, der vil i hallen og se superstjernen og være en engageret […]
Scandinavian countries build bridges through sports
Under the hashtag #DetSomBinderOsSammen (‘what ties us together’ would be a quick and reasonable translation), Øresundsbron portrays important building stones in Scandinavian societies such as the role of sports in relation to democratic values and sports as a community driver. As I have written with two co-authors in an article, which will be published in […]