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Tag Archives | AC Milan

Skærmbillede 2021-05-12 kl. 13.29.12

Football economy, the European Super League and a history that repeats itself

Instead of attempting to fix the challenging balance between revenue generation and high costs as well as the risks of how soft budget constraints and a global crisis (e.g., COVID-19) play together, the global top clubs went down the road of ‘ego avenue’ for a quick fix in relation to their breakaway attempt in the […]

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Success over time highlights Liverpool FC’s strong ethos of fighting back

Once upon a time depicts the start of a fairy tale. Nonetheless, this expression also illustrates the chronicle of past events influencing a modern football brand like that of Liverpool FC. The meaning of history and legacy in influencing the presence and future of a football brand is vital. In addition, the meaning of the […]

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Fodbold money billede

Aktiviteterne i det transformationsøkonomiske transfervindue skal finde balancen mellem sund kultur og placeringsjagt

Sommerens og vinterens transfervinduer er med årene blevet genstand for enorm hype og eksponering, og fodboldentusiaster på globalt plan venter i den forbindelse på, hvordan deres favoritklub agerer i håbet om at BOOSTE nutidig og fremtidig performance. Globaliseringen (herunder Bosman-dommens betydning for spillernes bevægelighed på tværs af nationale grænser), kommercialiseringen og iscenesættelsen af klubfodbolden som […]

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Data management is the new ‘winning’ approach in the business of sports

If you want to WIN in the business of sports, data management is a trend with the potential to create a positive turnaround for your business. You must learn how to turn data into optimal sporting performances and into business opportunities. Building a data bridge from the sporting to the business side Earlier this year, […]

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