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Tag Archives | IMG College

Skærmbillede 2017-01-28 kl. 12.16.39

Cultivating market places in the business of sports – part 1

Monetizing on value creation in sports is a function of an appropriate strategic cultivation of the sports-related organizations’[1] stakeholder relationships. The sports business emphasizes Marshall McLuhan’s statement that “the medium is the message” (McLuhan, 2006, p. 107), which acts as a meaningful practical reason for why today’s sports-related organizations should aim to succeed in managing […]

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How to ‘post’, ‘share’, ‘tag’ or ‘tweet’ your way to more profitable stakeholder relationships in the business of sports

The increase of social media in recent years has offered stakeholders in the business of sports a new and very powerful platform for brand activation. Although research years ago pointed to the fact that sports stars did not use social media to activate endorsement deals, today’s sports marketing trends tell a different story. As of […]

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Obvious long-term commercial options to be exploited in major sports events and collegiate sports

With the awareness and the attention-grabbing role of collegiate athletics in the US, it is interesting to explore the commercial landscape tied to collegiate sports rights and events. As it is noted by Rein et al. (2006), “established professional teams in leagues such as MLB and NBA are fighting for an ever-fragmented market share in […]

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PlayMakers’ Club – an IMG-product striving to revolutionize hospitality experiences in sports

“Sport sponsorship has become an increasingly important part of intercollegiate athletic revenue generation as universities have been forced to seek new and creative ways to fund their programs.” (Weight et al., 2010, p. 119). Photo: PlayMakers’ Club logo. Sports sponsorship inventory continues to evolve as part of the development, which is highlighted in the above-mentioned citation. That includes […]

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IMG’s capitalization on sport stars and other assets – IMG College is meant for success

“While IMG’s client roster looks like the red carpet for the hottest party in St. Tropez, what has potential buyers in love is IMG College.”  So says Bloomberg in this brief video you’ll want to view, pulling the curtain on IMG’s engine of growth! As you can see in the picture below, the market of […]

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