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Tag Archives | fodboldsponsorater

DBU VM Tour – En af fodboldens mange brandingmuligheder – ‘gæste-blog-indlæg’ af Malene Hejlskov Mortensen

Dette indlæg er skrevet af Malene Hejlskov Mortensen, Professionsbachelor i Sport Management, University College Nordjylland & MA i Sport Management, London Metropolitan University – (Kenneth Cortsen, red.). I forbindelse med 2014 FIFA World CUP BRAZIL har DBU og TV2 arrangeret ’DBU VM Tour’, hvilket i den forgangne uge bl.a. har fundet sted i ’Jomfru Ane […]

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UEFA, EURO 2016 and the application of social media

In relation to my research within the intersection between sports branding, sports economy and sports management, I wrote a post (in Danish) on the 11th of June on this web site concerning the application of different media platfoms in professional sports in Denmark (the post was about football, i.e. soccer in the US). It was […]

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The market for football jerseys

There is definitely a strong market for football jersey, which is manifested by the massive amount of football fans worldwide, who solidly identify themselves with specific clubs and players and thus with the heritage and/or traditions linked to these. The passionate and tribal behavior of these fans lead to light, moderate or heavy consumption patterns, […]

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VM i fodbold – kan det betale sig at investere i sådanne mega-events?

Problemstillinger i forhold til afholdelse af VM i fodbold, d.v.s. kan det betale sig?  Der vurderes også på incitamenterne for at afholde VM….Check nedenstående radioindslag efter 1:23:10 Værtsnationen skal gøre op med sig selv, hvad de skal have ud af at afholde en mega-event som VM i fodbold, hvilket skal sammenholdes med den økonomiske investering […]

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