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Tag Archives | cultivating market places in the business of sport

FC Bayern Fan Awards

Cultivating market places in the business of sports – part 2

To understand the premise of the interactive aspect of market places in the postmodern sports economy, the accumulated value from interactions with potential and current customers (e.g. fans and sponsors) is a good indicator. However, to influence a sports-related organization’s market behavior, it is essential to focus on what the sports-related organization measure and how […]

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Skærmbillede 2017-01-28 kl. 12.16.39

Cultivating market places in the business of sports – part 1

Monetizing on value creation in sports is a function of an appropriate strategic cultivation of the sports-related organizations’[1] stakeholder relationships. The sports business emphasizes Marshall McLuhan’s statement that “the medium is the message” (McLuhan, 2006, p. 107), which acts as a meaningful practical reason for why today’s sports-related organizations should aim to succeed in managing […]

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