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Tag Archives | usf


Why investing in esports may be a good idea in the Amazon era?

This blog post takes a deeper look at this investment and its associated business reasoning while providing access to a podcast (find it below) about the development of esports and its business potential. Most people don’t consider esports a viable investment option, but that’s mostly because it is difficult to understand the full impact of […]

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Skærmbillede 2018-03-31 kl. 22.35.18

Major League Baseball – the Dilemma of Fan Experience vs. Fan Safety

The primary goal of large professional sports team is to be the best at their sport. However, a secondary goal is to provide an entertaining and positive experience for their fans while they are at games. Teams do this through marketing efforts, in-game entertainment (apart from the actual game), promotional items and gate giveaways, and […]

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