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Tag Archives | social media

Skærmbillede 2018-03-31 kl. 22.35.18

Major League Baseball – the Dilemma of Fan Experience vs. Fan Safety

The primary goal of large professional sports team is to be the best at their sport. However, a secondary goal is to provide an entertaining and positive experience for their fans while they are at games. Teams do this through marketing efforts, in-game entertainment (apart from the actual game), promotional items and gate giveaways, and […]

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Digital opportunities lead to a new future for the business of sports.

The business of sports is an industry, which offers diverse opportunities in terms of commercial involvement and business development. From sponsorship displays on game days to huge activation platforms and campaigns, there are many opportunities to bring players, coaches, fans and other stakeholders together. The huge broadcasting deal regarding the Premier League in English football […]

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