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Tag Archives | Kenneth Cortsen fodboldøkonom

Livet er IKKE for kort til kvindefodbold

Hvis kvindefodbold skal udvikles endnu bedre fremadrettet, så er det vigtigt at få kvindefodbolden positioneret endnu mere på det samfundsmæssige landkort. Der er masser af fremdrift på medlemssiden, ligesom Danmark gjorde det godt med en semifinaleplads ved EM i Sverige den forgangne sommer. Det er styrker, som DBU og andre interessenter skal udnytte i fællesskab. Tendenserne indenfor […]

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PlayMakers’ Club – an IMG-product striving to revolutionize hospitality experiences in sports

“Sport sponsorship has become an increasingly important part of intercollegiate athletic revenue generation as universities have been forced to seek new and creative ways to fund their programs.” (Weight et al., 2010, p. 119). Photo: PlayMakers’ Club logo. Sports sponsorship inventory continues to evolve as part of the development, which is highlighted in the above-mentioned citation. That includes […]

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FC Barcelona, Real Madrid – business models and transfer deals

“In the age of Beckham and Rooney, Ronaldo and Zidane, the attempt to commercially control both images and information around football has never been so great. For those players at the pinnacle of the sport the rewards of playing the professional game and the commercial trappings that accompany it are viewed as recognition that their […]

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