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Tag Archives | fc bayern munich

Skærmbillede 2015-11-13 kl. 12.40.28

Insights into the ‘hybrid’ nature of sports branding – extracts from a research process

Sports branding presents the essence of commercial meaning and passion that surround the business of sports. It is a complex and dynamic concept. However, it is an interesting phenomenon that can show sports entities a new profitable breeding ground. If these entities delve into the deeper elements of sports branding’s multifaceted texture, they will find […]

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Is football a ‘public service’ product – a discussion of the professionalization of the football economy?

Recently, Borussia Dortmund’s CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke stated in the German newspaper Zeit that “Der Deutsche meint eben, dass der Staat neben der Renten- und Krankenversorgung am besten auch noch für die Fußballversorgung zuständig ist.” Of course, this is generalizing opinion that German fans think that the state must support its citizens in terms of retirement […]

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UEFA Champions League – a perfect example of global sports hero production

As the round of 16 of the UEFA Champions League kicks off tonight when Paris Saint-Germain faces Chelsea FC and Shakhtar Donetsk welcomes FC Bayern Munich, football (soccer) fans worldwide will be witnessing yet another example of football’s penetrative force to produce global sports heroes. The competitive edge of the UEFA Champions League is the […]

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A pathway to creating a WINNING business model in the business of sports

In an analysis of the successful winning formulas in the business of sports, the football (soccer) team FC Bayern Munich of the German Bundesliga draws much attention these days, which is evidenced in the following citation that states: “Although elite sport is one but three DFB* goals, along with popular sport and social responsibility, it […]

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Christiano Ronaldo’s hunger sets the standard for football’s global superstars

Photos: Christiano Ronaldo’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts. Football (soccer in the US) is as the world’s most popular sport a ’true superstar economy’. People in all regions of the world recognize or may even identify with the sport’s top player. At the pinnacle of the sport’s most prestigious individual award ceremony stands Christiano Ronaldo […]

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