Denne video giver et indblik i, hvordan ‘Manchester United Soccer Schools’ (MUSS) vil udbrede Manchester Uniteds brand i Skandinavien. Interviewet er med Rasmus Sørensen, som er leder af MUSS i Skandinavien. MUSS har flg. visionære tanker, som præger arbejdet i Skandinavien: * De vil styrke Manchester Uniteds image og medvirke til at forstærke indtrykket af […]
Tag Archives | brand
High brand value in the football economy
By Kenneth Cortsen on May 7, 2013 in Sport & Media Relations, Sport Economy, Sport Management, Sport Marketing
Global reach and management of brand assets are important parameters for football brands striving to maximize their brand value. Manchester United is a great example of a football brand, which has succeeded in terms of ‘going global’ and maximizing its revenue streams and brand value. According to BBC News, Manchester United recently reported a record […]