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Tag Archives | Amazon

Skærmbillede 2020-12-31 kl. 12.17.49

Current and future sports business trends from a 2020 perspective

2020 marks an extraordinary sports year. First, 2020 has been remarkable because of the major shift that the COVID-19 pandemic provoked in the business of sports. Another a yet more positive influencer on the 2020 sports year is how the role of activist athletes saw increased commercialization potential boosted by the aftermath of Colin Kaepernicks […]

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Why investing in esports may be a good idea in the Amazon era?

This blog post takes a deeper look at this investment and its associated business reasoning while providing access to a podcast (find it below) about the development of esports and its business potential. Most people don’t consider esports a viable investment option, but that’s mostly because it is difficult to understand the full impact of […]

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Skærmbillede 2017-03-20 kl. 12.26.52

E-sport er et markedsføringsmæssigt drømmeunivers

E-sport er kommet for at blive, og udviklingen indenfor denne relativt nye kontekst af sportens verden har været eksplosiv henover de senere år, og udviklingsgrundlaget og markedstendenserne viser, at udviklingen fortsætter i opadgående retning i de kommende år. Indtægtsgrundlaget for e-sport er styrket væsentligt i de seneste fem år, og markedet for e-sport har udviklet […]

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