E-sport er kommet for at blive, og udviklingen indenfor denne relativt nye kontekst af sportens verden har været eksplosiv henover de senere år, og udviklingsgrundlaget og markedstendenserne viser, at udviklingen fortsætter i opadgående retning i de kommende år. Indtægtsgrundlaget for e-sport er styrket væsentligt i de seneste fem år, og markedet for e-sport har udviklet […]
Tag Archives | schalke 04
Europe’s top football clubs and social media performance
By Kenneth Cortsen on December 15, 2014 in Sport & Media Relations, Sport Economy, Sport Management, Sport Marketing
“Football clubs across the globe are realizing that the use of social media is the future in terms of improving and expanding their business, whether this be for marketing purposes or as a medium for directly communicating with their fans.” (Kuzma et al., 2014) I thought it would be interesting to look at the […]
Football players are social media stars with an ability to generate eyeballs and money
By Kenneth Cortsen on October 27, 2014 in Sport & Media Relations, Sport Economy, Sport Management, Sport Marketing
In the contemporary commercial football industry, the identities of football fans tend to have a tribal nature in which certain behavioral fan patterns highlight the celebrated stardom of professional football players. Last week, I wrote a post (see here) about whether or not sports sponsors have a responsibility for the creation of enhanced fan experiences. […]