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Tag Archives | Nicklas Bendtner

Skærmbillede 2016-04-04 kl. 12.46.57

Scandals and the business of sports: implications for new approaches in the sports industry.

Sports business expert, Patrick Nally: “Where there is money, there is greed….” Harvard Business School Professor Stephen Greyser: “For rights holders and commercial stakeholders like sponsors, it is a matter of being where the public’s heads and wallets are in 2016….” In the light of the many scandals that influence the business of sports, I […]

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Hvor er sportsverdenen på vej hen i en tid med stigende kommercialisering samt fokus på positiv bæredygtighed og transparens? Har sporten behov for forandringer?

Billede: #OscarGate var en negativ dansk fodboldnyhed, som tiltrak stor int. bevågenhed (kilde: Politiken) For et par uger siden var der stress på i den danske sportspresse, da det kom frem, at bestyrelsesformanden og storaktionæren i Brøndby IF Jan Bech Andersen, anvendte et pseudonym til at kritisere bl.a. cheftræner Thomas Frank i et online fanforum. […]

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The linkage between sports and attention economy

”Understanding and managing attention is now the single most important determinant of business success” (Davenport & Beck, 2013, p. 3) The above-mentioned words give attention the economic perspective of being a ‘new currency’. While it may be a rather intangible concept, it is something tradable. Positive attention is in high demand but it is also perishable […]

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Football players are social media stars with an ability to generate eyeballs and money

In the contemporary commercial football industry, the identities of football fans tend to have a tribal nature in which certain behavioral fan patterns highlight the celebrated stardom of professional football players. Last week, I wrote a post (see here) about whether or not sports sponsors have a responsibility for the creation of enhanced fan experiences. […]

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