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Tennis and the sponsorship revenue generation of the four Grand Slams

Photos: Sponsorship revenues of the four Grand Slams in tennis, 2014 (source: Sports Sponsorship Insider). The four Grand Slams in tennis produced approximately $268 mio. in sponsorship income in 2014 (Sport Marketing Frontiers, 2014). The strong presence of tennis in the commercial sports landscape in the US and the ability to continuously innovate its sponsorship […]

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DBU VM Tour – En af fodboldens mange brandingmuligheder – ‘gæste-blog-indlæg’ af Malene Hejlskov Mortensen

Dette indlæg er skrevet af Malene Hejlskov Mortensen, Professionsbachelor i Sport Management, University College Nordjylland & MA i Sport Management, London Metropolitan University – (Kenneth Cortsen, red.). I forbindelse med 2014 FIFA World CUP BRAZIL har DBU og TV2 arrangeret ’DBU VM Tour’, hvilket i den forgangne uge bl.a. har fundet sted i ’Jomfru Ane […]

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