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Tag Archives | IAAF

Skærmbillede 2016-08-22 kl. 14.09.31

Usain Bolt – the entertaining business of being ’the best’

Usain Bolt, the fastest man on Earth[*], symbolizes the meaning of the Olympic motto and adds to bringing the Olympic substance to life. In its recent Olympic Charter, which was put in play in August 2015, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) writes that “the Olympic motto ‘Citius – Altius – Fortius’ expresses the aspirations of […]

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Skærmbillede 2016-04-04 kl. 12.46.57

Scandals and the business of sports: implications for new approaches in the sports industry.

Sports business expert, Patrick Nally: “Where there is money, there is greed….” Harvard Business School Professor Stephen Greyser: “For rights holders and commercial stakeholders like sponsors, it is a matter of being where the public’s heads and wallets are in 2016….” In the light of the many scandals that influence the business of sports, I […]

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Hvor er sportsverdenen på vej hen i en tid med stigende kommercialisering samt fokus på positiv bæredygtighed og transparens? Har sporten behov for forandringer?

Billede: #OscarGate var en negativ dansk fodboldnyhed, som tiltrak stor int. bevågenhed (kilde: Politiken) For et par uger siden var der stress på i den danske sportspresse, da det kom frem, at bestyrelsesformanden og storaktionæren i Brøndby IF Jan Bech Andersen, anvendte et pseudonym til at kritisere bl.a. cheftræner Thomas Frank i et online fanforum. […]

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