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Tag Archives | Felix Baumgartner


Sponsorering – co-branding og co-creation via strategiske partnerskaber

Den moderne tilgang til sponsorering handler om en faglig disciplin, der er meget italesat. Samtidig har sponsorering gennemgået et paradigmeskifte og bevæget sig væk fra den tidligere så herskende diskurs centreret om eksponering af et navn, et logo, et brand eller andre repræsentationer af visuel identitet i retning mod mere interaktive promotionløsninger. Udviklingsretningen giver indikationer […]

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The linkage between sports and attention economy

”Understanding and managing attention is now the single most important determinant of business success” (Davenport & Beck, 2013, p. 3) The above-mentioned words give attention the economic perspective of being a ‘new currency’. While it may be a rather intangible concept, it is something tradable. Positive attention is in high demand but it is also perishable […]

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Fan relationship management – ‘breaking through the clutter’

Tell me, and I will forget.
 Show me, and I may remember.
 Involve me, and I will understand. (Confucius, BC 450) Video: stimulating football fans before ‘El Classico’, i.e. FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid. Fan relationship management is a ‘mind game’ in the sense that the strongest sports entities are those capable of positioning themselves […]

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