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Tag Archives | #ChristianoRonaldo

Does the #USWNT success present a commercial breakthrough for women’s sports?

Photo: #USWNT’s Alex Morgan on the cover of FIFA 16 (source: SportsCenter’s official Twitter account) When the US Women’s National Team (#USWNT) recently won the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada, the team created enormous hype on social media platforms. After the final win against Japan and the #USWNT’s first world cup title since 1999, […]

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God governance i fodbold i forhold til værdisættelse af spillere, transfermarkedsaktiviteter og kontraktforhandlinger

Med den hastige kommercialisering og globalisering, som fodboldøkonomien har været igennem siden Bosman-dommens indtog og i takt med den mediemæssige udvikling, er der kommet øget fokus på investeringer på tværs af landegrænser for at opretholde den nationale og internationale konkurrencedygtighed. Det har medført nogle problemstillinger, som de store internationale forbund som FIFA og UEFA (samt […]

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Corporate brands taking advantage of the passionate texture of football – Nike vs. Adidas

On top of being a premium football event, the FIFA World Cup is also a social party for corporate brands. Despite not being one of the official FIFA sponsors, other brands still invests highly in football’s most notorious party. For Nike, its football (soccer) business unit has already created buzz around the #RiskEverything campaign, which […]

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