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Tag Archives | american football

Nike Infographic Feb 2018

How strategic sports marketing, continuous innovation and betting on the right athletes elevated Nike’s brand

Bo Jackson just as in the case of Michael Jordan helped Nike on its way to become a cultural icon that transcended the world of sports in the dynamic era of athlete branding and marketing in which Nike decided to build shoe and apparel lines around individual athletes. Nike’s strategic choice to honor great athletes […]

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The NFL – TV is still king but digital content is on the rise

Photo: San Francisco 49ers vs. Denver Broncos in London (own photos) The NFL is the perfect television product. However, the NFL can still improve on other platforms and that is vital to connect with future generations as more and more sports fans drift to online platforms to enjoy their passion for American football. As of […]

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Another Sunday of Super Bowl commercialism

Photo: Reflecting the commercial influence on the Super Bowl (source: NFL). The Super Bowl is a gigantic marketing event. The FIFA World Cup (soccer) and the Olympic Games are the most popular sports events on a global scale measured on attention and media exposure (however, these two events are not one-day events) but the Super […]

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The impact of technology and other WINNING investments on the business of sports

As a result of the rapid growth of commercialization and globalization in the business of sports, it has been stressed that sport is about WINNING. Although, this statement may seem cynical for some people it is clear that the business of sports in our contemporary society is about making a positive difference on and off […]

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