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Tag Archives | Golden State Warriors


Development tendencies over time in the business of sports in the US from Johan Cruyff and the NASL and from Billy Ball to the Moneyball era – a dialogue with Andy Dolich

The business of sports has really changed since the 1960s. Globalization, technology, data, new ownership models such as the growth of portfolio models and investments across various sports and international borders, and the application of sport as a geopolitical and soft power instrument are only a few of many important milestones, which emphasize the major […]

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Skærmbillede 2019-04-02 kl. 17.53.46

Data analytics, organizational learning and governance in football

Football (soccer in the US) is subject to the market dynamics and the rapid information flow characterizing societies in the digital era. Whether focus is on sporting performances or the business of football, including the correlation between the two perspectives, the proficiencies of football clubs to comprehend and ‘tackle’ the data challenge with enhanced accuracy […]

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Why investing in esports may be a good idea in the Amazon era?

This blog post takes a deeper look at this investment and its associated business reasoning while providing access to a podcast (find it below) about the development of esports and its business potential. Most people don’t consider esports a viable investment option, but that’s mostly because it is difficult to understand the full impact of […]

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Stephen Curry & Golden State Warriors scoring points on the court and in #SportsBiz

A professional sports league is synonymous with its athletes. However, there are different scales for superstars and Stephen Curry stands out. He is an emphatic and intelligent player who has gone beyond local, regional and national status and become a face of the league and a proud athletic icon of not only the Bay Area […]

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Skærmbillede 2017-03-20 kl. 12.26.52

E-sport er et markedsføringsmæssigt drømmeunivers

E-sport er kommet for at blive, og udviklingen indenfor denne relativt nye kontekst af sportens verden har været eksplosiv henover de senere år, og udviklingsgrundlaget og markedstendenserne viser, at udviklingen fortsætter i opadgående retning i de kommende år. Indtægtsgrundlaget for e-sport er styrket væsentligt i de seneste fem år, og markedet for e-sport har udviklet […]

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