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Tag Archives | fodboldøkonom kenneth cortsen

Fodboldens transfercirkus anno 2013!

Ifølge en rapport fra det internationale fodboldforbund FIFA viser de bedste fodboldklubber i verden ikke krisetegn, hvis der måles ud fra deres ageren på transfermarkedet. Baseret på 5.204 transfers på verdensplan i første halvår af 2013 var det samlede beløb $928 mio., hvilket er en stigning på 39% sammenlignet med 2012 til trods for, at […]

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Football & the ‘transfer circus’ – star players are part of the clubs’ spending spree

Although different European countries are still struggling to recover from the mode of financial crisis, the football economy is different and hence is characterized by a ‘spending spree’. Competent football players are still in high demand. According to FIFA (2013), total income from 5,204 transfers worldwide was $928.8 mio. (£612 mio). Despite the fact that the […]

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UEFA, EURO 2016 and the application of social media

In relation to my research within the intersection between sports branding, sports economy and sports management, I wrote a post (in Danish) on the 11th of June on this web site concerning the application of different media platfoms in professional sports in Denmark (the post was about football, i.e. soccer in the US). It was […]

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