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Tag Archives | mike tyson

Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr. will be the Super Bowl 2015 of boxing

Photos: Manny Pacquiao’s official Twitter  & Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s official Twitter accounts help to promote tonights fight. Tonight’s boxing fight between Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao is a gigantic fight. The sport of boxing is notoriously known for its ability to ‘hype’ the competitive nature of ‘man vs. man’, in which ‘survival of the fittest’ is more visible […]

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Mayweather Jr. og Pacquiao optræder i boksesportens Super Bowl anno 2015 – en case som forklarer toppen af den postmoderne sportsøkonomis enorme indtægtspotentiale

Photos: Manny Pacquiao’s officielle Twitter  & Floyd Mayweather Jr.’s officielle Twitter konti hjælper til at brande kampen. Når boksesporten retter fokus på weekendens fight mellem Floyd Mayweather Jr. og Manny Pacquiao, er der med rette tale om en storkamp af dimensioner. Boksesporten er notorisk kendt for at forstå at ’hype’ konkurrenceelementet i relation til ’mand-mod-mand-elementet’, hvor ’survival of the […]

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