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Sponsorering – co-branding og co-creation via strategiske partnerskaber

Den moderne tilgang til sponsorering handler om en faglig disciplin, der er meget italesat. Samtidig har sponsorering gennemgået et paradigmeskifte og bevæget sig væk fra den tidligere så herskende diskurs centreret om eksponering af et navn, et logo, et brand eller andre repræsentationer af visuel identitet i retning mod mere interaktive promotionløsninger. Udviklingsretningen giver indikationer […]

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Technology and data in the business of sports pull young people on stage

The business of sports is characterized by a lot of old men on stage but it will be the young generations that will change the world of sports. The rise of new technological applications, data management and digitalization transforms the business models in sports due to adjustments in supply and demand and thus the consumption, […]

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