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Tag Archives | sport brand

The role of ‘innovation’ in brandbuilding in the business of sports.

The influx of new technologies marks an essential change in the ways in which people can interact with sport brands. The Internet and social media play central roles in this development for what reason new trends in consumer behavior in reference to sport brands have evolved. Such development is linked to innovation and entrepreneurship, which […]

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The significance of a ‘multimedia’ approach to build a sports brand – NFL case….

“The effective and seamless blending of image, music, and voice may also account for the National Football League’s rise to prominence in the television era. By the 1960s, most Americans understood football as a sport.” (Hardy et al., 2012, p. 497). This citation marks that media and especially the evolution of new media (moving from photographs […]

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Nike’s storytelling approach to ‘football branding’

The recent development in the ‘experience economy’ marks an era where ‘reality television’ sets some of the standards for what people perceive to be appealing. Sport brands has thus come to a point where they apply ‘aspects’ of this development to link up with future stars and based on that they find a way to […]

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Manchester United Soccer Schools – Skandinavien

Denne video giver et indblik i, hvordan ‘Manchester United Soccer Schools’ (MUSS) vil udbrede Manchester Uniteds brand i Skandinavien. Interviewet er med Rasmus Sørensen, som er leder af MUSS i Skandinavien. MUSS har flg. visionære tanker, som præger arbejdet i Skandinavien: * De vil styrke Manchester Uniteds image og medvirke til at forstærke indtrykket af […]

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