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Restrukturering af sportsligaer – Alka Superligaen

I en tid hvor globalisering og medieudvikling er sammensmeltet, har sportsverdenen oplevet meget synlige kapitaltilførsler og kommercialiseringsrater. Retten til at placere sit logo på det lokale stadion eller på en af de traditionelle medieplatforme i association med en sportsrettighed mod betaling er ikke længere dækkende som en forklaring på dybden af sportsmarketing. Postmoderne sportsmarketing indeholder […]

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Fodbold money billede

Aktiviteterne i det transformationsøkonomiske transfervindue skal finde balancen mellem sund kultur og placeringsjagt

Sommerens og vinterens transfervinduer er med årene blevet genstand for enorm hype og eksponering, og fodboldentusiaster på globalt plan venter i den forbindelse på, hvordan deres favoritklub agerer i håbet om at BOOSTE nutidig og fremtidig performance. Globaliseringen (herunder Bosman-dommens betydning for spillernes bevægelighed på tværs af nationale grænser), kommercialiseringen og iscenesættelsen af klubfodbolden som […]

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Going beyond traditional product offerings to win the hearts of fans in the football economy – case focus on fan relationship management

As part of the professionalization process of the football economy over the past decades, clubs have enhanced their focus on nursing fan relations. Fulltime fan coordinators have been a natural step in this development. This is a way to build a bridge towards meeting the recognition that competition in the football economy is about managing […]

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Restructuring of sports leagues – case of the Danish Super League

Photos: The Danish Super League product (source: Superligaen) In an era in which globalization and media development has merged, the commercialization rates and the inflow of money in sports have been very visible. The right to logo placement at the local stadium or via one of the traditional media platforms associated with a specific sports […]

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Football players, asset management and the unexploited potential of enhanced player engagement in football management and football marketing.

As an appetizer for the book Marketing & Football: an international perspective (Desbordes, 2012), it is emphasized that (see citation below) “Football is arguably one of the most important sports in the world, and the marketing of football has become an increasingly important issue, as clubs and product owners need to generate more revenue from […]

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